Line Robot - Basic lessons - Exercises - Function catch

One more lesson for RCJ Rescue Line.

Task: modify function to catch a ball.

armCatch() is a predefined function which should catch a ball. It may look like this:

void RobotLine::armCatch() {
	servo(LIFT_SERVO_DOWN, 0);
	servo(CATCH_SERVO_CLOSE, 1); 
	servo(BLOCK_SERVO_BOTH, 2); 
	servo(ROTATE_SERVO_DOWN, 3); 
We will use the servo motors 0 and 1, so the last 2 instructions are not needed. Also, if they stay in code, they will do no harm. Change the constants in the first 2 lines so that the arm really goes into appropriate position and call this function once from "loop()".