Arduino tečaj: OpenCV

11. lesson

Ovo je dio cjelovitog tečaja Arduino-a.
  1. Štampajte dijelove koristeći ovaj Sketchup model RescueLine.zip.
  2. Sastavite robota koristeći upute za sastavljanje.
  3. Spojite kablove koristeći plan spajanja.
  4. Programirajte robota.
    1. Osnove.
    2. Praćenje crte.
    3. Naredbe.
    4. LIDARi.
    5. Prekidač, IMU, 8x8 LED.
    6. Praćenje zida.
    7. Srebro.
    8. 8x8 LED programiranje.
    9. Robotska ruka.
    10. Raspberry Pi.
    11. Prepoznavanje kamerom, OpenCV (ova stranica).
    12. Arduino i RPI surađuju.


Now follow all the changes to the program used in the previous lesson. UART.h and UART.cpp are not listed as they remain unchanged. First main.cpp. Erase all the previous code and enter the new one:

#include <iostream>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include "Camera.h"
#include "UART.h"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

const RunType runType = CROSSING_SINGLE;
const int thresh = 20; /// Canny algorithm threshold
const bool saveImages = false; /// For tests later

Camera camera(runType, thresh, saveImages); /// Definition of object camera.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (runType == TEST_UART){
        UART uart;
        while (true){
            if (uart.available()){
                cout << uart.read();
    else if (runType == FIND_CIRCLES)
    else if (runType == CALIBRATE_BALL)
    else if (runType == CROSSING_SINGLE)
    else if (runType == CROSSING_CONTINUOUS)
    else if (runType == RUN){
        cout << endl << "Run." << endl;
        while (true){

            /// Placeholder for a program to process images in runtime

    return 0;

End of code! Camera.h:
#include <raspicam/raspicam_cv.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

/// Type of program to be run

using namespace cv;

/** Class for all of the computer vision methods
class Camera{
        /** Constructor
        @param runtType - chosen program's behavior.
        @param thresh - Canny threshold.
        @param saveImages - save images to disk.
        Camera(RunType runtType = RUN, int thresh = 100, bool saveImages = false);

        /** Destructor

        /** Find HSV parameters to maximize number of found circles. Warning: this is no desired result for finding a single ball. To calibrate a sinle ball,
        a viable solution would be to put the ball in a predefined position and then find the values that yield only a single, biggest shape.
		void calibrateBall();

		/** Camera captures one image.
        void capture();

        /** Detect a geen marker in RoboCup Line crossing.
        @param display - display picture by picture. A key must be pressed to advance. Otherwise a continuous flow with FPS indicated.
        void crossing(bool display = true);

        /** Use trackbars to define HSV (hue, saturation, value) parameters and watch the detected circles changing.
        @param lowH - Hsv lower limit
        @param highH - Hsv upper limit
        @param lowS - hSv lower limit
        @param highS - hSv upper limit
        @param lowV - hsV lower limit
        @param highV - hsV upper limit
		void findCirclesUsingTrackbars(int lowH = -1, int highH = -1, int lowS = -1, int highS = -1, int lowV = -1, int highV = -1);

		/** Detect circles using predefined HSV values (no trackbars).
        @param lowH - Hsv lower limit
        @param highH - Hsv upper limit
        @param lowS - hSv lower limit
        @param highS - hSv upper limit
        @param lowV - hsV lower limit
        @param highV - hsV upper limit
        @param display - break and show results for each image
        @param circleCount - number of circles found.
        void findCircles(int lowH, int highH, int lowS, int highS, int lowV, int highV,  bool display, int &circleCount);

        /** Frames Per Second
        void fps();

        /** A way of testing program with not live images. Instead, read images from disk. Record a few hunders images and run this test each time You change the
        program to be sure the change didn't break something.
        void unitTest();

        uint32_t cnt = 0;/// FPS counter
        raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv* pRaspiCam; /// Camera object
        uint32_t lastCameraMs; /// Last image capture time
        uint32_t lastFpsDisplayMs = 0; /// Last FPS display time
        uint16_t lastImageNumber = 0;  /// Used for storing images to disk
        Mat srcImage; /// Raw picture, as camera captured it.
        RunType runType; /// Type of program.
        bool saveImages; /// Saving captured images to disk.
        uint32_t startMs; /// Program start time, used for FPS calculation
        int thresh; /// Threshold for Canny algorithm.

        /** Keep on capturing until a non-empty picture appears.
        void waitForCapture();


End of code! Camera.cpp:
#include "Camera.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <raspicam/raspicam.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <wiringPi.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

/** Constructor
@param runtType - chosen program's behavior.
@param thresh - Canny threshold.
@param saveImages - save images to disk.
Camera::Camera(RunType runTypeNow, int threshold, bool saveImagesNow){
    pRaspiCam = new raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv();// Sprema se pointer koji pokazuje na kameru. Pomoću njega se kasnije uvijek poziva ova kamera.
    runType = runTypeNow;
    thresh = threshold;
    saveImages = saveImagesNow;
    lastCameraMs = 0;
    startMs = 0;

    cout << "Camera..." << flush;

    /// Camera's parameters
    pRaspiCam->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FORMAT, CV_8UC3);
    const bool HIGH_RES = false;//todo
    pRaspiCam->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, HIGH_RES ? 1920 : 160);//320
    pRaspiCam->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, HIGH_RES ? 1080 : 120);//240

    /// Start the camera
    cout << "opening...";
    if (!pRaspiCam->open())
        cerr << "Error opening the camera" << endl;

    cout << "OK" << endl;

/** Destructor
    cout << "Stop camera..." << endl;

/** Find HSV parameters to maximize number of found circles. Warning: this is no desired result for finding a single ball. To calibrate a sinle ball,
a viable solution would be to put the ball in a predefined position and then find the values that yield only a single, biggest shape.
void Camera::calibrateBall(){


    int circleCount;
    int maxCircleCount = -1;
    int extremeLow, extremeHigh;

    for (int low = 0; low <= 255; low += 10){
        for (int high = low + 10; high <= 255; high += 10){
            findCircles(0, 255, 0, 255, low, high, false, circleCount);
            if (circleCount > maxCircleCount){
                maxCircleCount = circleCount;
                extremeLow = low;
                extremeHigh = high;
            cout << low << "-" << high << ": " << circleCount << endl;


/** Camera captures one image.
void Camera::capture(){
    if ((millis() - lastCameraMs)  > 30 ){/// 33 FPS
        pRaspiCam->grab(); /// Take a picture
        pRaspiCam->retrieve(srcImage); /// Copy it to srcImage

        lastCameraMs = millis();

/** Detect a geen marker in RoboCup Line crossing.
@param display - display picture by picture. A key must be pressed to advance. Otherwise a continuous flow with FPS indicated.
void Camera::crossing(bool display){

    ///Change these values to detech green only:
    uint8_t lowH = 40;
    uint8_t highH = 80;
    uint8_t lowS = 00;
    uint8_t highS = 255;
    uint8_t lowV = 40;
    uint8_t highV = 120;

    Mat imgHSV;
    startMs = millis();
    cnt = 0;



        /// Crop the picture, remove upper part.
        uint16_t yStart = srcImage.rows * 0.35;
        Rect roi(0, yStart, srcImage.cols, srcImage.rows - yStart);
        srcImage = srcImage(roi);

        /// Change colorspace to HSV (hue, saturation, value).
        cvtColor(srcImage, imgHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);

        /// Separate the green part.
        Mat imgThresholdGreen;
        inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(lowH, lowS, lowV), Scalar(highH, highS, highV), imgThresholdGreen);

        /// Erode and dilate the image to delete small islands inside and outside.
        erode(imgThresholdGreen, imgThresholdGreen, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)));
        dilate(imgThresholdGreen, imgThresholdGreen, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)));

        /// Separata black parts.
        Mat imgThresholdBlack;
        inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(0, 0, 0), Scalar(179, 255, 50), imgThresholdBlack);

        /// Canny - find edges
        Mat canny_output;//Izlazna matrica
        vector<vector<Point> > contours;//Sve konture
        vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
        Canny( imgThresholdGreen, canny_output, thresh, thresh*2, 3 );

        /// Find (all) contours
        findContours(canny_output, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0) );

        /// Check every countour
        for( uint16_t i = 0; i< contours.size(); i++ ) //Po svi konturama slike.
            /// Calculate moments: center of gravity and area
            Moments oMoments = moments(contours[i]);
            double dM01 = oMoments.m01;
            double dM10 = oMoments.m10;
            double area = oMoments.m00;
            int cX = dM10 / area; /// Gravity centre's x
            int cY = dM01 / area; /// y

            /// If area is big enough, it can be a marker
            if (area > srcImage.cols * srcImage.rows /8000){

                /// Write some text to label the marker
                putText(srcImage, "Marker", Point(cX - 10, cY), FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 0.6, CV_AA);

                /// Draw this contour (in green).
                drawContours(srcImage, contours, i, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point() );

                /// Draw 3 red circles, designating the black-check areas.
                uint8_t dX = srcImage.cols * 0.16;
                uint8_t dY = srcImage.rows * 0.28;
                circle(srcImage, Point(cX - dX, cY), 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
                circle(srcImage, Point(cX + dX, cY), 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
                circle(srcImage, Point(cX, cY - dY), 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255));

                if (imgThresholdBlack.at<uint8_t>(Point(cX, cY - dY)) == 255) /// If point above is black, this can be a marker
                    if (imgThresholdBlack.at<uint8_t>(Point(cX - dX, cY)) == 255){ /// if the one to the left is also black, this is a right marker.
                        cout << "Right marker" << endl;
                    else if (imgThresholdBlack.at<uint8_t>(Point(cX + dX, cY)) == 255){/// if the one to the right is also black, this is a left marker.
                        cout << "Left marker" << endl;

        /// Display all thw windows
        if (display){
            imshow("Original", srcImage); /// Original image
            moveWindow("Original", 500, 35);
            imshow("ThresholdedGreen", imgThresholdGreen); /// Green part
            moveWindow("ThresholdedGreen", 500, 540);
            imshow("ThresholdedBlack", imgThresholdBlack); /// Black part
            moveWindow("ThresholdedBlack", 1100, 35);
            imshow("ThresholdedBoth", imgThresholdBlack | imgThresholdGreen); /// Green and black parts
            moveWindow("ThresholdedBoth", 1100, 540);

            /// Wait for a key. If Esc, exit the program.
            uint8_t ch = waitKey(0);
            if (ch == 'q' || ch == 27)//esc
            fps(); /// Display FPS

/** Use trackbars to define HSV (hue, saturation, value) parameters and watch the detected circles changing.
@param lowH - Hsv lower limit
@param highH - Hsv upper limit
@param lowS - hSv lower limit
@param highS - hSv upper limit
@param lowV - hsV lower limit
@param highV - hsV upper limit
void Camera::findCirclesUsingTrackbars(int lowH, int highH, int lowS, int highS, int lowV, int highV){

    /// Default values:
    if (lowH == -1) lowH = 0;
    if (highH == -1) highH = 179;
    if (lowS == -1) lowS = 0;
    if (highS == -1) highS = 255;
    if (lowV == -1) lowV = 60;
    if (highV == -1) highV = 147;

    /// Window for trackbars
    namedWindow("Control", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

    /// Add trackbars to the window above.
    createTrackbar("LowH", "Control", &lowH, 179);
    createTrackbar("HighH", "Control", &highH, 179);
    createTrackbar("LowS", "Control", &lowS, 255);
    createTrackbar("HighS", "Control", &highS, 255);
    createTrackbar("LowV", "Control", &lowV, 255);
    createTrackbar("HighV", "Control", &highV, 255);

    /// Continuously capture pictures and find circles. After each step, You can alter HSV parameters.
    int circleCount;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
        cout << "Frame " << i << " captured" << endl;
        findCircles(lowH, highH, lowS, highS, lowV, highV, true, circleCount);

/** Detect circles using predefined HSV values (no trackbars).
@param lowH - Hsv lower limit
@param highH - Hsv upper limit
@param lowS - hSv lower limit
@param highS - hSv upper limit
@param lowV - hsV lower limit
@param highV - hsV upper limit
@param display - break and show results for each image
@param circleCount - number of circles found.
void Camera::findCircles(int lowH, int highH, int lowS, int highS, int lowV, int highV,  bool display, int &numberOfCircles){

    /// Limits:
    if (highH > 179) highH = 179;
    if (highS > 255) highS = 255;
    if (highV > 255) highV = 255;

    if (srcImage.empty())

    /// Convert image to HSV space (hue, saturation, value).
    Mat imgHSV;
    cvtColor(srcImage, imgHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);

    /// 2 structures to hod images with separated colors (thresholded).
    Mat imgThresholded;
    Mat imgThresholded2;

    /// Separate colors
    if(lowH > highH) /// A more complicated case when end and beginning part of H is requested.
        inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(0, lowS, lowV), Scalar(highH, highS, highV), imgThresholded);
        inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(lowH, lowS, lowV), Scalar(179, highS, highV), imgThresholded2);
        imgThresholded = imgThresholded + imgThresholded2;
        inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(lowH, lowS, lowV), Scalar(highH, highS, highV), imgThresholded);

    /// Remove small islands.
    erode(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)));
    dilate(imgThresholded, imgThresholded, getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5, 5)));

    /// Hough Circles transform - check OpenCV documentation.
    vector<Vec3f> circles;
    HoughCircles(imgThresholded, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1,
                 imgThresholded.rows/3,  // change this value to detect circles with different distances to each other
                 100, 20, 20, 0 // change the last two parameters
            // (min_radius & max_radius) to detect larger circles
    numberOfCircles = circles.size();

    /// Display all the circles
    if (display){
        for( size_t i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++ )
            Vec3i c = circles[i];
            Point center = Point(c[0], c[1]);

            /// Draw centre on the source image.
            circle( srcImage, center, 1, Scalar(0,100,100), 3, LINE_AA);

            /// Draw circular outline
            int radius = c[2];
            circle( srcImage, center, radius, Scalar(255,0,255), 3, LINE_AA);

        /// Display all the windows
        imshow("Original", srcImage); /// Original image
        moveWindow("Original", 500, 35);
        imshow("Thresholded", imgThresholded); /// Thresholded
        moveWindow("Thresholded", 500, 540);

        /// Wait for a key. If Esc, exit the program.
        uint8_t ch = waitKey(0);
        if (ch == 'q' || ch == 27)//esc
       //imshow("Thresholded2", imgThresholded + imgThresholoded2);

/** Frames Per Second
void Camera::fps(){
    if (millis() - lastFpsDisplayMs > 10000) {//Svakih 10 sec ispis FPSa, broja slika u sekundi.
		cout << endl << cnt << " image in " << ((millis() - startMs)/1000) << " sec: " << (round(cnt / ((millis() - startMs) / 1000.0))) << " FPS." << endl;
        lastFpsDisplayMs = millis();

/** A way of testing program with not live images. Instead, read images from disk. Record a few hunders images and run this test each time You change the
program to be sure the change didn't break something.
void Camera::unitTest(){
    const bool verbose = false;
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *ent;
    if ((dir = opendir ("/home/pi/images/")) != NULL) {/// Check directory's existence. You can use some other path.

        RNG rng(12345); /// Random generator

        /// Print all the files and directories within directory.
        while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
            cout << ent->d_name << endl; /// Files' name.

            String imgName = (String)"/home/pi/images/" + ent->d_name;
            srcImage = imread(imgName.c_str(), IMREAD_COLOR);   /// Read the image
            if(!srcImage.data) /// It must not be empty.
                cout <<  "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl ;

            /// The missing part here is Your test.
        closedir (dir); /// Close the opened directory.
    } else {
        /// Could not open directory.
        perror ("Directory error.");

/** Keep on capturing until a non-empty picture appears.
void Camera::waitForCapture(){
    uint32_t startMs = millis();
    bool ok = false;
    while(millis() - startMs < 2000){
        if (!srcImage.empty()) {
            ok = true;
    if (!ok){
        cout << "No input image!";
        exit (0);

This ia a lot of new code. It will not be easy to study it. The code is not inteded to be a final solution but more a set of ideas how to handle machine vision for our robot. We use OpenCV, the most widely used, standard and free solution. Look for no other option.

In order to run the examples, we have to change the configuration. Search (probably Ctrl-F) in Your code or in this browser for string "///Configuration" and You will find the appropriate part of main.cpp. First change

const RunType runType = CROSSING_SINGLE;

If You use CodeBlocks, right-click on CROSSING_SINGLE to see all the possible values:

Choose "Find declaration...". Now use one of the most useful buttons to get back, green arrow:


First choose FIND_CIRCLES. Build and run the program. The result should be 4 windows:

Console window is named "ArduinoHelper". All the results of "cout" in Your program go here. Right below, partly covering ArduinoHelper, is Control, a window with trackbars. You can use them to change some values in Your program, like here: limits for H, S and V. In the upper right corner is the original image and below is the resulting image, after limiting H, S and V values with the values the trackbars show. White areas are what is left (satisfies trackbars' restrictions). Change trackbars and press a key (but not Esc - that will and the program). Execution will continue to the next capture and a different thresholded (black and white) image will be displayed. If there is no progress when You press a key, make sure that one of the windows with images is selected (click on any of them). Otherwise program will not read the pressed key. Now You can experiment, changing the trackbars till You find the correct limits to recognize the green marker You use, for instance.

Choice CROSSING_SINGLE captures camera pictures one by one and displays the results. If You put a RoboCup Rescue Line crossing in front of the camera (with correct HSV values!), You should get the following result:


It will probably be necessary to skip the first image. Notice 3 small red circles in the first image. They are used as a crude method to determine type of the marker. You should improve this method. Study the code to find what the other small windows represent. They are quite small as the resolution is very low - in order to achieve 10 FPS, using RPI 3. If you improve the algorithm, you will be able to increase the resolution. However, this really isn't necessary for crossings.

Now choose CROSSING_CONTINUOUS for runType. There will be no more single pictures. Only console will produce some text, when a marker is detected:

Every 10 seconds FPS will be shown, too.

Now back to FIND_CIRCLES. In the first example we used it to find correct HSV values but, as the name suggests, its primary goal is to find circles. You may want to increase the resolution of the camera for this example. In Camera.cpp change the settings in constructor. Search for text CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH and change value 160 into 320. Likewise CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT 120 into 240. Run the program. With the values as in this example, a white ball on a white surface is searched for - not an easy task. The result here is not correct, but the parameters are not chosen carefully. You can improve this and probably, using additional checks, find even a white ball on a white surface. Finding a colored or black ball will be much easier and quite achievable.

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